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Oliver Insurance Blog

Earthquake Insurance

Recently there have been reports in the news about the imminence of the “Big One” shaking the greater Portland-Metro area, which has led many to begin thinking about what they can do to prepare for an earthquake.  In addition to storing food, water, and other supplies, it is important to think about the catastrophic damages that can take place at your home and whether or not your Homeowners Insurance will cover the damage.

Most people do not realize that a standard Homeowners, Condo, or Renters policy does not cover earthquake damage.  In fact, according to the Oregon Insurance Division, only about 20% of Oregonians have earthquake coverage.  Earthquake coverage can either be added as an extra endorsement or sold separately as a stand-alone policy.

Here are a few steps you can take to ensure you are covered:

  1. Check your current Homeowners policy to see if the Earthquake Endorsement has been added. If not, you can simply call your agent to have them add the endorsement or they can write you a stand-alone Earthquake policy.
  2. Find out what the deductible amount is. Earthquake coverage has a separate deductible from your base Homeowners Insurance.  Deductible amounts ranging from 10 – 25% will be applied in the event of a claim.   Example, if there is $200k in damages you could pay anywhere from $20k – $50k out of pocket.
  3. Identify your Coverage A (the dwelling itself), B (other structures), and C (personal property) amounts on your Homeowners policy to determine what your total deductible amount would be in the event of a total loss. Example: Coverage A = $200k, Coverage B = $20k, Coverage C = $120k for a total of $340k in coverage.  The deductible for a total loss would be 34k – 85k depending on your deductible %.


Although the deductible can be expensive, it is a relatively small amount to protect one of your biggest investments – your home.  Please contact your Oliver Insurance agent today for more information.

Medical Payments Coverage Provides Valuable Protection

Renters insurance policies include several different coverages. While personal property coverage and liability coverage are two of the main ones that most policies have, medical payments coverage can also provide tenants with valuable protection. If you rent an apartment in Canby, OR, read on to learn more about medical payments coverage, and contact us at Oliver Insurance if you’d like to shop for a renters insurance policy that includes this coverage.

Medical Payments Coverage

The specific protection that medical payments coverage can afford will vary from one renters insurance policy to the next. In general, this coverage is designed to help pay medical bills that a guest sustains while in your apartment. It’s not meant to be a substitute for health insurance, and it won’t cover your medical bills. If there’s an accident in your apartment that you’re held liable for, though, medical payments coverage may protect you.

Affordable Protection

Medical bills can easily reach hundreds, even thousands of dollars. If you’re responsible for a visitor’s injuries, you could be expected to pay the related bills. Don’t leave yourself open to this risk. Instead, protect yourself with a renters insurance policy that includes medical payments coverage. Compared to the potential cost of medical bills, medical payments coverage is very affordable.

At Oliver Insurance, we have independent insurance agents who can help you find the lowest rates on medical payments coverage. By comparing renters insurance policies from multiple insurers in Oregon, our agents will help you get a policy that doesn’t leave you vulnerable and doesn’t cost a fortune. To talk with an agent about medical payments coverage, contact us through our website or call our office.

Extend The Life Of Your Car With These 3 Ways

When you live in Canby, Oregon, managing costs is important. You never want to spend more money on anything than what is absolutely necessary. This goes for your car as well – and there are three really easy ways to extend the life of your car. This will save you on car maintenance and put off the idea of having to buy a new car anytime soon.

Check Tire Pressure

Poor tire pressure can cause problems with alignment, fuel efficiency, and much more. The PSI (pounds per square inch) is something that is found on the door panel of your car. Knowing the proper PSI is important as it will ensure that your tires are never under inflated. Adding a little air to your tires can result in better fuel efficiency and more.

Don’t Always Run Your AC

Oregon has a lot of great weather throughout the year, which means you don’t need to run your AC all the time. Avoid running it constantly as it is going to receive power from the engine. You may be putting unnecessary strain on your engine without even realizing it. Use reflective windshield shades and park under trees as a way of keeping your carpool – and you won’t need to run your AC on full blast.

Get Tune Ups

Within your car manual there is a tune-up schedule. This is something that needs to be followed so that your engine is maintained all the time. Poorly tuned engines can cost more money in fuel, can cause more pollution, and result in a variety of car problems. The oil and oil filter should be changed based upon the maintenance schedule.

At Oliver Insurance, we want to do what we can to protect your vehicle. This includes helping you to find affordable auto insurance. Call today and let us begin searching for quotes on your behalf within Canby, Oregon.



3 Reasons Your Business Needs Interruption Insurance



Fires and storms are all unforeseeable events that jeopardize business operations. From preventing employees from coming to work to damaging your physical property, these events prevent your business from realizing anticipated revenues for days, weeks, and even months at the time if the event is serious. Fortunately, your business can purchase interruption insurance to protect your income and secure your business. The following are three reasons you need interruption insurance.

You Continue to Get Business Revenue
Attempting to recover after experiencing a physical loss is challenging. All too often, many business owners cannot recover and their business is dissolved. With interruption insurance, when you have a qualifying event, you do not lose the revenue your business would have generated ordinarily, which prevents you from starting from square one again.

Pay for Contract Penalties
When you experience a physical loss that necessitates shutting down operations, your products will be delayed. With delayed products and services you could possibly be sued in court for breach of contract from contractors. Interruption insurance may help your business cover penalties resulting from delays. Whether you are a small business or a large business, with financial backing from a business interruption policy, you can easily recover once you are fully operational. 

Protect Your Business from Service Outages
Many businesses are experiencing security breaches these days. It appears that hackers are getting more aggressive and hacking businesses with high-level security protocols. If a breach affects one of your service providers, how will your business cope? With business interruption insurance, it is likely that your business will continue to see revenues, as if you never stopped operating helping you maintain your competitive position within the industry.

Business interruption insurance can help your business remain in operations after recovering from a disaster or interruption due to failed utilities. If you do not know how your business will generate revenue during a major shutdown, contact your local independent agent today.



Do You Need Errors and Omission Insurance for Your Business?

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There are many professionals providing services for clients who are at risk of being sued in Canby, Oregon. Providing the wrong advice or service often means you have a need for errors and omissions (E&O) insurance to protect you or your business from lawsuits. In fact, many professionals have E&O insurance including:

•    Doctors
•    Lawyers
•    Construction contractors
•    Engineers
•    Accountants
•    Chiropractors

E&O insurance helps these professionals protect their interests while dealing with the public. Instead of risking their livelihood by being sued personally, individuals in these professions shield their personal property with an E&O policy.

What Businesses and Professionals Need E&O?
In the most simplistic terms, if your business provides services or advice to clients, you should purchase E&O insurance. Since you are exposed to many types of risks based on the nature of the service provided, protecting your business from errors and omissions makes good business sense. Freelancers, web hosting companies, brokers, and business consultants all need E&O insurance policies.

How to Purchase an E&O Policy
Purchasing an E&O policy is much like purchasing a commercial auto or general liability insurance policy. The process starts by speaking with our local independent insurance agents who can help you determine the extent of your risks. If you have a lot of exposure to risk, then we will be able to determine the insurance amount that best meets your needs.

Purchasing an E&O insurance policy is easy and recommended for you if you provide services to business clients. With E&O insurance, you may not be personally liable for errors or omissions made while you are working each day.

What Do You Collect? Will Your Home Insurance Cover That?

Most of us collect something. They may be sentimental items like hat pins from places we have visited through the years, or things of more monetary value like coins and stamps. Some people collect items of value to provide more security as the years go by. Some people will go so far as to start a collection of classic cars. What do you collect? Are you confident your home insurance will properly cover your collectibles?

While most home insurance policies will have coverage that includes contents, most also have limits to some collectible categories like jewelry, coins, art, stamps, and furs. In many cases, these limits may be so low as to provide very little coverage at all. If you have a growing collection of valuable items, you will want to make sure they are covered for a sufficient amount. In Canby, OR all it will take is a call to Oliver Insurance.

Oliver Insurance is an independent agency serving the Canby area. That independence gives us several advantages. First, it allows us the ability to review policies from any company. Secondly, it allows us to quote rates from multiple other companies to find better coverage at better rates. In addition, because we are local we are here to answer your questions and are available should you need assistance with a claim.

At Oliver Insurance, we can show you how an inexpensive rider may provide the coverage you need. If you are just interested in a homeowners insurance or auto insurance quote, you can visit our website and get a no obligation online quote. If you would prefer a review, contact our office.

See how our status as an independent insurance agency can benefit you and protect your valuables adequately. Contact Oliver Insurance today!



Five Things Your Agent Knows About Home Insurance That You May Not

How well do you know your homeowners insurance? Many people haven’t looked at it in years. Some aren’t even aware of how much they are paying for it. They have it because their mortgage company requires it. If you ever have to file a claim, you will likely become very interested in its coverage. Here are five things your insurance agent knows about home insurance that you may not.

  • Your best opportunity to save is to compare. Some agents prefer you don’t know this. They know if you compare, they could lose your business. We are independent insurance agents at Oliver Insurance and can help you compare policies to best suite your wallet and lifestyle.
  • Raising deductibles could save you money. By increasing the deductible on your policy, you could save significantly on your premiums.
  • Your policy likely doesn’t cover a variety of perils. Unless you have specific coverage, your policy will not cover you in case of flood, earthquakes, or landslides.
  • You may be paying to insure your land. Without thinking, some people pay to insure the land their home sits on. Odds are, even in a disaster, you will still have your land.
  • Many homeowners claims are low. If you don’t have a video or up to date inventory of your home’s contents, you could be prone to submit a claim that is too low.

If you can’t remember the last time you reviewed your homeowners insurance, or don’t know what you are paying, contact us at Oliver Insurance. We are an independent insurance agency serving the Canby, OR area. We can review the policies of any company and seek out quotes to save you money. Visit our website for an online quote on home or auto insurance. If you prefer, contact us for a review. Don’t wait until it is too late to better know your policy. Contact us today!



Understanding the Difference Between Commercial Property and Liability Insurance

Facing a lot of risks, business owners have many decisions to make throughout the day in Canby, Oregon. One of the top items on their list should be their business insurance. Unfortunately, many business owners are perplexed by insurance, and others shy away from the subject leaving their businesses exposed. Commercial property and general liability insurance are two key coverage options to have to reduce risks for your business. The differences and benefits are outlined below.

The Basics of Commercial Property Insurance
Commercial property insurance protects the structures your business owns. You can purchase protections against fire, accidental damage, and weather-related damage. If your business experiences a qualifying event while you have the coverage, then your insurance company will likely help you cover the costs of restoring your facilities.

The Benefits of Commercial Property Insurance
The main benefit you receive when you purchase commercial property insurance is financial protection from a qualified event. Instead of using business revenues to rehab your business, you can rely on your insurance agency to provide the funds you need for a covered event.

The Basics of General Liability Insurance
Large settlements resulting from lawsuits in which your business or an employee representing your business, negligently injured another party, can damage your business severely. Many businesses facing staggering settlements file bankruptcy as a result of not being able to pay their debt. Fortunately, general liability insurance will help you cover the cost if you experience a qualified event while you have the coverage.

The Benefits of General Liability Insurance
General liability insurance offers your business multiple coverage options. The following are some of the benefits.

•    It may protect you from slip and falls.
•    It may protect you from damage you cause to other’s property.
•    It may protect you from slander and libel.

For greater protection, your business can purchase both property and general liability insurance if you find you need the extra protections. Contact us to find out more.


Basic Overview of Potential Costs for Your Business in the Event of a Breach

Whether it's identify theft, data breach or cyber-crime, they are all basically the same thing. Regardless, the fact of the matter is that you need to be aware of the growing crime and how you're at risk.

Regardless of the industry that you're in, every business has confidential information that a thief wants. They'll take that sensitive data and sell it for money in their pockets. Unfortunately, it will be your bank account that continues to dwindle even after the breach occurs. Here are potential costs that you can expect to deal with:

  • Notifying your customers of the data breach will cost roughly $1, maybe $2, per person.

  • Obtaining help with data recovery and research could cost you $250 per hour.

  • Reissuing credit cards to your customers may cost you $25 per card.

  • Obtaining subscriptions for consumer credit monitoring will cost upwards of $20 per person.

  • Working with legal counsel could cost $600 or more per hour.

  • Offering a customer support hotline would likely cost $5 or more per phone call.

In addition to the aforementioned costs, you have to also think about the costs that are almost impossible to estimate since they vary depending on the exact circumstances and severity of the breach. These costs could include:

  • Expenses for rewards of the person who committed the breach.

  • Various public relations activities to try and salvage the name of the company.

  • Costs to upgrade technology in the office and training of staff.

  • Replacing stolen securities, identifies or funds.

  • Extortion demands.

Cyber-crime is a serious threat to every single business in the country, including your business here in Canby, Oregon 97013. Contact one of our independent commercial insurance agents to learn how you can protect your business from data breaches. Don't forget to ask for a quote on commercial insurance that will protect you in the event that a breach does occur.

Protect Your Business Income During a Power Outage

Whether it's a winter blizzard or a summer thunderstorm that takes place here in Canby, Oregon, severe storms can wreak havoc on your business. If severe enough, it could result in your business losing power, which means that you'll have to shut the doors for a bit. Many business owners assume that their standard business insurance contains coverage for this particular type of situation, but this is not always true.

Understanding Business Interruption Coverage

Some states offer an extended coverage for utility interruptions. It is typically known as Utility Services-Time Element and offers coverage for any income loss during an interruption of water supply, power or communications. As a general rule, this type of policy will offer reimbursement for profit loss as well as continuing expenses until your service has been restored and up to the policy limit.

When selecting coverage, it is important to determine whether you need all three or just certain utility coverage. You may need help in doing this, which is why you can give one of our independent agents in Canby a phone call.

3 Things to Keep in Mind

When it comes to this type of coverage, remember that:

  • This utility services interruption coverage cannot be purchased as a standalone policy and must be purchased in conjunction with business income coverage.

  • If there is a deductible or waiting period for your business income coverage, then it will also apply to your interruption coverage.

  • In order for the policy to take effect, the utility loss must have been a result as a covered loss.

If your business heavily relies on any type of utility, then it is imperative that you consult with us about the utility interruption coverage. Our independent agents want to make sure that all businesses in the 97013 community are properly coverage in the event that their business has to shut its doors or need to replace electronics due to storm damage. Contact us today and let us help you!

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