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How Can Umbrella Insurance Restore Your Reputation?

For some people, their reputation is at the heart of their lifestyle. Maybe they own a business and need their customers to trust them, or maybe they’re a public figure who is constantly scrutinized on a daily basis. Umbrella insurance was designed to help people get the liability protection they need to fend off unfair or biased claims. Oliver insurance wants you to have all the facts if you think you may need this special form of insurance in Canby, OR. 

Extra Protection 

Your insurance likely already covers liability claims. if you’re accused of any wrongdoing, you’ll get the legal advice and assistance you need to either settle a claim or fight it in court. But claims can become messy quickly, and they can take on a life of their own. If your name is being dragged through the mud, you may need to wage a campaign to restore your reputation. Umbrella insurance extends the limits you have on your current insurance policy, so you have the resources you need to set the facts straight. 

Finding Help 

Oliver insurance understands the real value of umbrella insurance. Few people have the luxury of giving up their livelihoods if their reputation takes a hit. We can help you learn more about what means to have umbrella insurance and how it can be an invaluable safeguard for your career. if you have any questions, call us today to find out more about our policies. Our staff serves the people of Canby, OR who depend on their reputations every day. We’re here to make sure you get all the coverage you need when you need it the most. 

5 Reasons to Buy Life Insurance

Life insurance is something many don’t want to think about, which is understandable because it means something tragic has happened.  Unfortunately, it is something that is best planned out to manage your affairs and take care of the people you love.  If you haven’t given life insurance much thought or if you’re contemplating a life insurance policy and live in the Canby, OR area, you may want to consider contacting an agent from Oliver Insurance to help navigate the world of life insurance policies.

Why Life Insurance is Important

  • Final expenses can quickly run into tens of thousands of dollars, and no one wants their loved ones left with the financial burden when dealing with a death.
  • If your children aren’t grown, they will need financial support to help them as they become adults.
  • Your monthly income will need to be replaced for the household.
  • Paying off debts is crucial because you don’t want your loved ones to need to sell off assets, such as their home.
  • Funds to pay estate taxes have become more necessary as these taxes can be expensive, and again, it can put your family’s assets in jeopardy without the funds to pay them.
  • If you own a business and have one or more partners, it can cause the business assets to be jeopardized along with your personal assets.

Oliver Insurance has been providing insurance needs in the Canby, OR area since 1972.  We have a proven record for helping people find the right insurance at the right price.  Contact an expert Oliver agent today to help you determine your financial needs to protect your assets and loved ones.  Buying life insurance can be complicated and muddled, but you’re not alone!  We can make the process much easier for you!

How will I know if my small business needs workman’s comp insurance?

It’s great working in Canby, OR, and Oliver Insurance gets to see the benefits small business owners have. Even in places so relatively safe and well protected, accidents can happen, and it’s important to have all the required protection. 

Do People Work for You? 

That is the simplest question to ask when trying to decide whether or not you need workman’s compensation insurance. When people work for you, you assume some responsibility for them while they are helping you out. 

If someone gets hurt while on your work floor or while driving in a work vehicle, it makes sense that you would be responsible for those injuries, as long as the actions of the employee were within the scope of employment. There are obvious exceptions for individuals who have used work time to commit crimes. 

Workman’s comp actually protects both employees and employers, because it makes sure employees can get the help they need when they’re hurt while limiting the civil actions employees can take against the business. 

Employees Vs Independent Contractors 

Oregon does not require employers to provide insurance for independent contractors, and it is important to know the difference. Independent contractors must meet three basic criteria :

  • They provide a service under a contract where others are not allowed to direct the work;
  • They are responsible for providing the work and even providing the means — for instance, they will have their own tools; 
  • And they are free from the direction and control of others while actually accomplishing the work.

 If you have a small business in Canby, OR and have any questions about your small business coverage, or would like to discuss a policy, please call Oliver Insurance today and we can set you up with a free quote. 

How to Prevent Your Pipes from Freezing

Winter is a time when you typically experience higher than average costs on your heating bills. However, winter can be much more damaging to homeowners since you’re at risk for issues like your pipes freezing. Oliver Insurance, serving Canby, OR and the surrounding area, can help once the damage is done, but we want to help you prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. 

Space Heaters

Determine where you have spots in your home that colder than others. You want to situate a space heater in these locations and keep it running when you’re home. This will help keep the pipes warm enough that they won’t freeze. 

Let Your Faucet Drip 

It’s best to keep water flowing through your pipes, so they’re less likely to freeze. You should let at least one faucet in your home dripping continuously when the temperatures are freezing outside. 

Cover Exposed Pipes
Determine anywhere in your where you have exposed pipes. You want to cover these pipes in order to keep them warm, so they don’t freeze. 

Keep a Constant Temperature in Your Home

You may save money by turning down your heat at night when you’re snuggled up in your blankets. However, you’re increasing your risk of your pipes freezing by allowing the temperature in your home to drop all night. You also want to make sure that you don’t turn your thermostat below 55 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re away. 

Frozen Pipe Repair 

If you notice little water coming from your faucet, you may have a frozen or possibly even broken pipe. You should shut off the water if it’s broken. If it’s just frozen, you may use a space heater, blow dryer, or electric heating pad wrapped around the pipe to thaw it. 


Always have homeowner’s insurance just in case you should happen to endure a problem like a broken pipe. 

Contact Oliver Insurance, serving Canby, OR and the surrounding region today for a quote. 


Oregon Auto Insurance In 2019

At Oliver Insurance we want you to know that buying insurance in 2019 does not have to be a hassle. Our agents, and technology make the process easy as pie. Which is great because you do not want to be behind the wheel without adequate coverage. We serve Canby, OR and the surrounding areas with quality insurance that is easy to purchase, with terms easy to understand. 

Oregon Auto Insurance Requirements 2019

In the state of Oregon it is required to have these as a minimum:

2019 minimums for the required liability insurance in Oregon are as follows;$25,000 for bodily injury, per person., $50,000 for total bodily injury to others, per accident, and $20,000 for property damage, per accident.

In addition, you must carry PIP, Personal Injury Protection in Oregon to help with medical expenses. This coverage must be at a minimum of $15,000 per person. And Uninsured Motorist Coverage to protect you if you are in an accident with someone who is not insured the coverage minimums are $25,000 per person or $50,000 per crash.

Optional but recommended insurance coverage for Oregon residents in 2019 are:

Comprehensive, Collision, GAP, Rental Reimbursement, and Uninsured Motorist Property Damage. These five additional insurance add-ons are not required but can be vital when it comes to taking the risk of driving. They fall into the category of beyond the minimum but not legally required. If you purchase one or all of these you will be relieved to have them when things happen.

Call us at Oliver Insurance for more information about the 2019 insurance requirements, and how easy it is to get the coverage you need with us. We serve Canby, OR and the surrounding areas. 





How to Truly Protect Your Fur Babies

If your pets are truly members of the family, you are not alone. Most pet owners today consider their pets to be their fur babies. As pet parents, you want to do everything in your power to make sure your pet is taken care of. However, if you have owned a pet for any amount of time you know that providing great care for your pet, especially when they are sick or injured, can be really expensive. This is why pet insurance was created. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is an insurance policy that helps you protect your pet during injury or sickness. Just like a health insurance policy will cover your doctor’s bill, a pet insurance policy will cover your vet bills should your pet get sick or injured. 

What is Covered Under a Pet Policy?

In most cases pet insurance will cover the costs of your vet visits, treatment and medications just like a health insurance policy would. Many policies also have additional coverage you can add which will also cover routine check-ups, vaccinations, and maintenance treatments. In addition, there can also be add on plans which cover boarding and loss in the event your pet passes away or goes missing. 

Why Invest In Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is a great investment if you plan to give your pet the best care possible. Pets do get sick and injured. It is not a matter of if, but a matter of when, just like with people. Vet bills can get expensive just like doctor’s bills. A pet insurance policy gives you the peace of mind that should your pet get sick or injured you will be able to provide the best care for them. 

If you would like to speak to someone about pet insurance, please contact our friendly staff at Oliver Insurance in Canby, OR. 

What’s At Risk With Liability Only Insurance?

When shopping for car insurance you might be tempted to go for the cheapest, bare minimum coverage in an effort to save money. However, there are several factors you should consider when you are shopping for car insurance, and the bottom line cheapest price may not be the wisest investment in the long run. Here are a few things you should consider when comparing liability vs full coverage insurance. 

What is Liability Only?

Liability only insurance means that the insurance policy will only cover damage that you are liable for in an accident. This means damage that you caused to another car or injury that you caused to another driver. This type of insurance does not cover any damage which might happen to your own car. This can put the investment you have made in your vehicle at risk. In the event of an accident that is your fault, you will be required to pay for any damages out of pocket. This can put you at financial risk. 

What About Other Damage?

It is also important to note that there are other types of damage besides damage suffered during an accident. Damage from events such as storms, hail, flooding, debris can cause a huge cost to you as the vehicle owner. If your vehicle has only liability insurance, then when these types of damage occur you will be required to pay for repairs out of your pocket. This can also put you at financial risk and put your investment in your vehicle at risk as well. 

When Is Liability Only a Good Idea?

In some instances, liability only insurance might be a good idea. In cases in which the vehicle is not worth very much money, a vehicle owner may not wish to cover the vehicle with full coverage insurance. 

If you would like to learn more about the different types of insurance available for your vehicle contact Oliver Insurance in Canby, OR today. 

When You Should Have Flood Insurance On Your Property

Your home is a very valuable asset that you need to make sure is properly covered by insurance. One type of insurance that you may need to have on your home is flood insurance. There are several situations in which you may need to have flood insurance on your home to ensure your Canby, OR area property is properly protected and covered by insurance.

Required by Mortgage Lender

Depending on where you live and the type of mortgage that you have, flood insurance could be a requirement of your mortgage lender. FEMA manages an active flood zone map that designates which areas of the country are at higher levels of risk for flood. If your home is located in a higher-risk flood zone, your mortgage lender may require that you carry flood insurance on top of your home insurance policy.

If you have a loan that is provided by FHA, you will likely have to escrow these payments each month. Your lender will also continue to monitor the FEMA map. This means your flood insurance needs and costs could change over time.

When You are at Risk

Most people that have flood insurance policies on their homes are required to do so by the mortgage lender. However, even if you are not required to do so, you should still consider the flood risk. If you live in an area that is prone to flooding or is located near a body of water, you may want to have flood insurance in place. It is important to understand whether a flood is covered by your base insurance policy and whether the risk in your area makes it worth investing in flood insurance.

If you own a property in the Canby, OR area and would like to learn more about flood insurance, you should meet with the team at Oliver Insurance. The Oliver Insurance agency will help you better understand your flood insurance requirements and needs to ensure your home is properly protected.

Do You need More than the Minimum Motorcycle Insurance?

Did you just buy your first motorcycle in the Canby, OR area? Before you hit the road, the folks at Oliver Insurance want to make sure you have the protection and knowledge needed for a summer road trip with no worries.  

What Type of Insurance does Oregon Require You to Carry?

The Oregon DMV requires you to carry a minimum of liability and uninsured motorist insurance. This means that if you cause an accident on your bicycle, the medical payments and property repairs for the other vehicle are covered. Also, if you are damaged by somebody without insurance, you can recover. It does nothing to take care of your medical bills if you are found at fault. 

Get Your Bike Fixed with Collision and Comprehensive

You can add extra coverage to your policy that will make sure you can get back on the road, no matter who caused the damage.  It also reduces the amount of cash you have to pay upfront in order to get the garage to repair your ride. When you add comprehensive or collision to your motorcycle insurance, you are able to move on with life while your insurance takes care of the details.

A Rider Education Course can Save Your Life and a Little Money

Before you can hit the road, you will be required to take an approved motorcycle skills course from Team Oregon. If you opt for the intermediate course, you may see added savings or discounts on your insurance policy. Even though it might seem like another obstacle to getting a bike, these courses have proven to save lives for riders and other people on the road. 

If you would like to learn more about the options available for motorcycle insurance in the Canby, OR area, give our friendly agents at Oliver Insurance a call today. 

Four Expenses Included in a Boat Insurance Policy

The state of Oregon does not require boat insurance. However, they do highly recommend it, so Oliver Insurance in Canby, OR wants to help you receive the right coverage for your vessel.
Your insurance needs depend on the type of boat you own, whether or not you use it just for recreation or for business, or if you live in it full time versus just sleep in it when on vacation. Other factors such as age, size or condition might determine your boat insurance needs. Boat policies often cover these four expenses:
1. Vessel damage — If either your boat or someone else’s became damaged or inoperable, this expense might be paid for by some policies. 
2. Property destruction — If marina property needs repair after an accident, this is another expense you may not have to worry about if you have the right policy. It can prevent anxiety that comes with this unexpected expense.
3. Bodily injury — Your insurance coverage for your vessel might pay for any expenses related to treating injuries resulting from a collision or other incident occurring while operating your boat if you are liable. 
4. Theft or vandalism — Typically a part of a comprehensive policy, this can give you peace of mind in one of these unfortunate scenarios that might result in loss and damages occurring other than from an accident. Having this expense paid for can help you avoid long stretches of time out of the water where you perhaps would rather be.

We Can Answer All Your Insurance Questions 

We don’t want you to anticipate a vacation where you may want to fish, water ski or relax only to find out your policy is not enough. We will answer all your insurance questions not only about your boat but also your car, home, life and more.
Contact us, your Oliver Insurance serving Canby, OR today. 

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